Example of Mutualism

 Example of Parasitism

Symbiotic relationship

There are three kinds of symbiotic relationships mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism


Mutualism is when two organisms work together both benefiting the relationship. For example a oxpecker rests on a African buffalo picking of the parasites from its body and the bird gets to rest. So, the buffalo gets parasites off of him, and the oxpecker gets to rest and gets food easily. 


In this relationship one of the organism benefits while the other stay neutral. A example would be when the killdeer bird rests on top of a cape buffalo. The cape buffalo protects the killdeer but the killdeer doesn't really do anything for the buffalo.


In this relationship one of the organism benefits while the other is harmed. A really good example would a tape worm that is in side the hosts and takes its nutrients, and the host ends up dying from lack of nutrients.