Temperate Grassland

 Over on quarter of Earth's land is grassland. The animals that live here usually are small so they can hide in burrows from predators or the animals live in herds/packs. Some examples of animals are bison, wolves, lion, zebras, and prairie dogs. The plants are mostly grass and shrubs.  

Abiotic Factors

In temperate grasslands ther is warm to hot summers, and then there is cold winters. There is moderate seasonal precipitation. There is fertile soil for farming, and there are Occasional fires

Biotic Factors

Plant life in temperate grassland are mostly small bushes and grass, which grow from their base are resistant to grazing and fire. Dispersal of seeds by wind is common in this open environment. The root structure and growth habit of native grassland plants helps establish and retain deep, rich, fertile topsoil.

Because temperate grasslands are such open, exposed environments, predatory is a constant threat for smaller animals. Camouflage and burrowing are two common protective   adaption.  



A climatogram is a graph that averages weather in a biome over a certain period of time. You can see below the temperature is usually around -9 Celsius through 20 Celsius. The rain fall is around 100 centermeter.