The food web in this picture starts off with the grass which would be the producer, then the rabbit would eat the grass. Then the rabbit would be the primary consumer,  after that the white tailed hawk would eat the rabbit making it the secondary consumer.


In this picture the producers (make their own food) is the grass. The herbivores (only eat plants/grass) are the bison, rabbit, and prairie dog. The carnivores(Organisms that only eat other organisms) are the white-tailed hawk, and the wolf. The wolf (top center picture on the left) usually eats the bison (top right hand corner on the picture to the left) because the wolf work in packs

 The plant on the bottom which is a producer would get 100% energy because it made it. Then the primary consumer would only get 10% because alot of it already got used. Then the secondary would only get 1% because like for the grass alot of the energy got used up.